The perfect box for DIY home automation
I began thinking about building a home automation box in each room with sensors because I wanted the house automated instead of just the lounge. The boxes would communicate over wifi because I want to combine that sensor data. I realized an optimal place for such sensors is near the entrance to each room because they can detect entry/exit.
Separately i had been thinking about how to cover my light switches. The switches always stay on because I have Philips hue bulbs.
I had a eureka moment and realized my new home automation could hide the light switches. I noticed that i already had a box that almost was the right size I like it for obvious reasons because of my childhood love of building things.
I ordered more boxes from amazon in white because they will match the decor. I made some modifications with a Dremel and knife. I’d already decided to have replaceable sensor/output modules because I want to evolve/replace modules over time. I cut holes in the box where i expected to locate the sensors, holes were the light switch plate would fit and holes for the power for a raspberry pi.
Getting started with Raspberry Pi and SunFounder kit
I got started making things with raspberry pi boards this summer 2016. I had played with electronics kits as a child but gave it up because I did not have the patience. I took the plunge and ordered one from amazon along with a sunfounder kit with breadboard and assorted sensors.
I had read online and bought books about how to use a Raspberry Pi.
When the amazon package arrived, I downloaded jasper, copied it to a memory card and booted everything up. i felt a little underwhelmed by that first boot because it was so fast and easy that. So next i started playing with the sensors and the fun started. I experimented with an IR receiver and a utility called LIRC because I wanted to record the signals from my TV remote. Next I played with an IR transmitter circuit so that i could play the signals back to control my TV volume. I looked at the clock and the evening had vanished. This was fun.
Home Automation Goal
I want to create a home automation system with the following
- Control my philips hue lights and cover the switches which now have to stay on.
- Detect and record motion in each room
- Control my tv
- Respond to voice commands
And because i am a programmer be…
- Distributed
- Scalable
- Flexible
I explicitly do not aim to build a personal assistant. I have a mobile phone with android for that. I want a smart home. My home doesnt need to view my emails or access my finances. My home doesnt need to view my browsing history. My home needs to do what it is told, take care of things when i am out and make my life simpler.