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The perfect box for DIY home automation

Posted by on July 3, 2016

I began thinking about building a home automation box in each room with sensors because I wanted the house automated instead of just the lounge.  The boxes would communicate over wifi because I want to combine that sensor data. I realized an optimal place for such sensors is near the entrance to each room because they can detect entry/exit.

Separately i had been thinking about how to cover my light switches.  The switches always stay on because I have Philips hue bulbs.

I had a eureka moment and realized my new home automation could hide the light switches.  I noticed that i already had a box that almost was the right size I like it for obvious reasons because of my childhood love of building things.

I ordered more boxes from amazon in white because they will match the decor. I made some modifications with a Dremel and knife.  I’d already decided to have replaceable sensor/output modules because I want to evolve/replace modules over time. I cut holes in the box where i expected to locate the sensors, holes were the light switch plate would fit and holes for the power for a raspberry pi.

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